الثلاثاء، 17 نوفمبر 2015

The Way To Dark Justice

The Way To Dark Justice

Inside The House Of Shadow 
I Stand In Darkness 
I Open My Wings To Airflow 
I Take The Look For Every Weakness 
Inside The Dark Cloud You See My Eyes 
To Be The First To Witness 
I Take You Up, I Hold You Down 
To Feel The Chillness 
Killing Is My Only Rule 
My Whole Augustness 
Making the crash in your skull 
with one bullet moving so airless 
The Scope On My Eyes 
and the breath was aptness 
To Give you free visa to hell 
And pain Rise up To be bigness 
Bleeding Your Blood So hard 
To take Your Soul in my fitness 
Taking the look in That Hole 
All What Says you're hopeless 
breathing so hard and weakest 
And your body Was idleness 
Once you leave your body 
your mortality will be bodiless 
your spirit Will take the freedom 
While you was never chariness 
deciding to Jump and take the fall 
thinking That you Are Making Buisness 
Wars and Destruction making River of Blood
to make fear And other things dirtiness
But now I make sure about your elimination 
With No Come back To Make the justice

Author / Aladdin Aures Hamdi

الأحد، 1 نوفمبر 2015

The Crash On Me

The Crash On Me

It's time To sway
I Will Never Forgive
That World made By Lie
The Only Reason Why You leave
Nothing Left To Say
Nothing Left To Give
Every part of me Fades Away
To be The Rest Of that Wreckage

Lonely behind The Door
The Time When I was Sure
You lay me On The floor
To Scream Please No More

Nothing left to see
You keep it as locking key
Close my eyes to be free
bite my heart such the bee
that's what you want to be
Taking the whole me
As You Uproots A tree
And Drop It From The brae

Lonely behind The Door
The Time When I was Sure
You lay me On The floor
To Scream Please No More

The Wave rolling and crashing
And The hands Was in chain
Drops Me Down With Hard bashing
Tied to me tight, tie me up again
Do You Know How's That Feeling
The Only Thing You'll Never Gain
Through window I Keep Watching
To Realize How Stupid I Been
For Every Moment I was making
you Fake Reactions Into My Brain

Lonely behind The Door
The Time When I was Sure
You lay me On The floor
To Scream Please No More

Author / Aladdin Aures Hamdi