الاثنين، 30 مارس 2015

The Life Of Fox

The Life Of Fox

my life moments such forest
something walking brave
things you miss looks worst

but after all know you still alive 

Beside the Dark future beast

white page where nothing to prove.

Through the sky I see no star 

Something more near
deeper inside the darkness fear
touch pore of body and scare

delicately hard claw 
fox inside the snow
eyes serve him now
his power moved to low

Sets The targets into the blow
inside the forest prime
moving alone without the crew
no reasons to blame
between trees and forest law
bad feeling to throw,

snow canvas blesses sight of you
curled at the base of the bare elm
tail wrapped 'round your small frame
shields you in an armor of beauty

orange pumpkin glowing embers
and scarlet autumn leaves
burnt sun from the palette
fur touched by the season

Till the last stink move of fox
It enters the dark hole sending his head.
The window is still ruined ; the clock still ticks,
then it become darkness feed

Author / Aladdin Aures Hamdi